General Fitting

  • For new construction with metal doors/frames: To accommodate the 5/16″ (7.9mm) hinge clearance required for these Hinges, order the door undersized or the frame header oversized. See the clearance information above to attain the proper size. Mortar guards, either styrofoam or wood, are recommended for frames to prevent grout from interfering with the installation of the hinge fasteners.
  • For new site-hung wood doors: If necessary, scribe and cut from the latch edge of the door to leave sufficient hinge stile thickness for proper fastening. A minimum clearance of 5/16″ (7.9mm) is required between the hinge edge of the door and the frame rabbet. See the clearance information above to attain the proper finished width of the door.
  • For remodeling with existing wood or laminate doors: If necessary, scribe and cut from the hinge edge of the door and plane smooth. A minimum clearance of 5/16″ (7.9mm) is required between the hinge edge of the door and the frame rabbet. See the clearance information above to attain the proper finished width of the door.

Aluminum Continuous Geared Hinges   |   Heavy Weight

DHHD210 | Half Surface Hinges

• DHHD21O is an Aluminum Continuous Geared Half Surface Hinge that provides a 1/32″ door inset, it can be used with any standard frame without hinge preps, and either with or without reinforcements depending on door weight. The frame face must have a flat surface at least 1-5/8″ wide. Clearance between the hinge edge of the door and the frame rabbet is 1/32″ (1mm).” HD” models have additional bearings and frame fasteners for heavy-duty application.

Hinge Length
• All Hinges are supplied approximately 1″ to 1-5/16″ shorter than the nominal door height to avoid threshold or carpet clearance problems. If the hinge must be trimmed shorter, first determine the correct hand of the door and orientation of the hinge. Then mark and trim from the bottom of the hinge only – do not cut from the top end.

Norm. Door Height Norm. Hinge Length Number of Fasteners (Door/Frame)
6-8″ 79″ (2006mm) 8/17
7′-0″ 83″ (2108mm) 8/19
7′-2″ 85″ (2159mm) 8/19
8-0″ 95″ (2413mm) 9/20
10′-0″ 119″ (3022mm) 10/22


Clearance Between Door And Frame Width

Single Door
Hinge side clearance (typical) 1/8″ (3.2mm)
Latch side clearance (typical) 1/8″ (3.2mm)
TOTAL 1/4″ (6.4mm)


Pair of Doors
First hinge side clearance (typical) 1/8″ (7.9mm)
Clearance between doors (typical) 3/16″ (4.8mm)
Second hinge side clearance (typical) 1/8″ (3.2mm)
TOTAL 7/16″ (11.2mm)



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